Keyboard shortcuts are the real workflow hack when learning to work quickly inside your DAW of choice, as they help to significantly cut down on time to complete tasks. Here are our top 50 Logic Pro keyboard shortcuts to help you speed up your sessions!

Navigation and Project Management

  1. [Cmd] + [N]: Create a new project.
  2. [Cmd] + [O]: Open an existing project.
  3. [Cmd] + [S]: Save the project.
  4. [Cmd] + [Shift] + [S]: Save As.
  5. [Cmd] + [Z]: Undo.
  6. [Cmd] + [Shift] + [Z]: Redo.
  7. [Cmd] + [W]: Close project.
  8. [Cmd] + [2]: Open Mixer.
  9. [Cmd] + [4]: Open Piano Roll.
  10. [Cmd] + [5]: Open Event List.

Track and Region Controls

  1. [Opt] + [Cmd] + [N]: Create a new track.
  2. [Cmd] + [D]: Duplicate track.
  3. [Cmd] + [Delete]: Delete track.
  4. [Ctrl] + [M]: Mute region/track.
  5. [Ctrl] + [S]: Solo region/track.
  6. [Cmd] + [B]: Bounce in place.
  7. [Cmd] + [J]: Join regions.
  8. [Cmd] + [T]: Split regions at playhead.
  9. [Cmd] + [L]: Loop selection.
  10. [Cmd] + [Opt] + [N]: Normalize region parameters.

Playback and Transport

  1. [Spacebar]: Play/Stop.
  2. [R]: Record.
  3. [,]: Rewind by 1 bar.
  4. [.]: Fast forward by 1 bar.
  5. [Return]: Go to beginning.
  6. [Cmd] + [U]: Set locators by selection.
  7. [C]: Toggle cycle mode on/off.
  8. [K]: Toggle click track.
  9. [Opt] + [K]: Toggle metronome only during record.
  10. [Ctrl] + [1, 2, etc.]: Go to Marker 1, 2, etc.


  1. [Cmd] + [X]: Cut.
  2. [Cmd] + [C]: Copy.
  3. [Cmd] + [V]: Paste.
  4. [Cmd] + [Z]: Undo move.
  5. [Cmd] + [Shift] + [Z]: Redo move.
  6. [Backspace]: Delete.
  7. [Q]: Quantize selection.
  8. [Opt] + [↑/↓]: Transpose region up/down.
  9. [Cmd] + [→]: Zoom in.
  10. [Cmd] + [←]: Zoom out.

Mixer and Automation

  1. [A]: Toggle automation view.
  2. [X]: Show/Hide Mixer.
  3. [Ctrl] + [N]: Create new auxiliary track.
  4. [Cmd] + [Opt] + [Click]: Reset channel strip (fader/pan).
  5. [Ctrl] + [Opt] + [Cmd] + [W]: Enable automation write mode.
  6. [Cmd] + [Opt] + [P]: Show/Hide plugins.
  7. [Ctrl] + [B]: Bypass all plugins on a track.
  8. [Cmd] + [Shift] + [M]: Open selected track’s channel strip.
  9. [Shift] + [Drag fader]: Adjust fader by fine amount.
  10. [Shift] + [Drag pan]: Pan by fine amount.

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