Keyboard shortcuts are the real workflow hack when learning to work quickly inside your DAW of choice, as they help to significantly cut down on time to complete tasks. Here are our top 50 FL Studio keyboard shortcuts to help you speed up your sessions!

Cmd (macOS)
Ctrl (Windows)

Navigation and Project Management

  1. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [N]: Create a new project.
  2. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [O]: Open an existing project.
  3. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [S]: Save the project.
  4. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Shift] + [S]: Save As.
  5. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Z]: Undo the last action.
  6. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Alt]/[Option] + [Z]: Undo multiple steps.
  7. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [W]: Close the project.
  8. [F12]: Close all windows (same for macOS).
  9. [Alt]/[Option] + [F4]: Exit FL Studio.
  10. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Shift] + [M]: Show Project Info.

Track and Channel Controls

  1. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [L]: Link selected channel to a mixer track.
  2. [Alt]/[Option] + [X]: Scale volume of selected notes or clips.
  3. [Alt]/[Option] + [C]: Consolidate pattern.
  4. [Alt]/[Option] + [U]: Chop selected notes or clips.
  5. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Q]: Quick quantize selected notes.
  6. [Shift] + [Q]: Quick quantize with options.
  7. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Shift] + [↑/↓]: Move selected notes between octaves.
  8. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [↑/↓]: Move notes or clips vertically in the playlist.
  9. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Alt]/[Option] + [P]: Export project bones.
  10. [Alt]/[Option] + [Shift] + [C]: Clone selected channel.

Playback and Transport

  1. [Spacebar]: Play/Stop playback (same for macOS).
  2. [R]: Record (same for macOS).
  3. [Enter]: Play from start (same for macOS).
  4. [L]: Toggle loop mode (same for macOS).
  5. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Home]: Jump to start of the song.
  6. [,]: Jump to the previous bar (same for macOS).
  7. [.]: Jump to the next bar (same for macOS).
  8. [Shift] + [Spacebar]: Play/Stop from selection start (same for macOS).
  9. [Alt]/[Option] + [T]: Toggle tempo tapper.
  10. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [T]: Toggle typing keyboard to piano keyboard.


  1. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [C]: Copy selected notes, clips, or automation points.
  2. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [X]: Cut selected notes, clips, or automation points.
  3. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [V]: Paste copied content.
  4. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [A]: Select all notes, clips, or automation points.
  5. [Shift] + [D]: Deselect all (same for macOS).
  6. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Shift] + [Click]: Select multiple notes or clips.
  7. [Shift] + [Click]: Clone selected notes or clips.
  8. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [B]: Duplicate selection.
  9. [Alt]/[Option] + [R]: Randomize selected parameters.
  10. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Shift] + [L]: Automatically name and color selected channels.

Mixer and Automation

  1. [F9]: Open Mixer (same for macOS).
  2. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Shift] + [E]: Export current mixer track as audio.
  3. [Alt]/[Option] + [Click]: Reset a knob, slider, or fader to default.
  4. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Click]: Select multiple mixer tracks.
  5. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Shift] + [C]: Create an automation clip for selected parameter.
  6. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Alt]/[Option] + [Click]: Detach the selected plugin window.
  7. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Shift] + [T]: Rename mixer track.
  8. [Alt]/[Option] + [Scroll Wheel]: Adjust mixer track width.
  9. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [Scroll Wheel]: Zoom in/out in the Mixer.
  10. [Ctrl]/[Cmd] + [L]: Route channel to selected mixer track.

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