How to Sell Sample Packs Online
How you sell your sample pack is as important to the pack itself as what’s inside. How well your pack sells depends on how you present it, how you plan to push it on socials, and what networks & communities you can utilize to get the word out there.
It’s all well & good featuring sounds that are bulletproof in quality in your Mixxed sample pack, but if you don’t know how to get people talking about (and therefore using) your pack then your sounds may not reach their full potential!
To cover the very basics, let’s think about communication.
What message is your artwork saying? Is it in line with the genre and/or theme of your pack?
Have you prepared a good demo of the pack? Does the demo show off what’s great about your pack? Does it tell users why they should download it?
There’s no point in finding out the best place to sell sample packs if you don’t know how to present them.
Who is Your Target Market?
Understanding who your target market is is crucial.
There are some simple steps you can take to understand who these people are.
First, utilise your producer network. Ask them what they have and don’t have, and what they feel they need. Are there sounds they can’t make themselves but you can?
Next, ask yourself where your target market hang out online. Are there Facebook groups they’re in? Reddit forums? Where are they getting their information and learning new production skills?
How to Sell Sample Packs Creatively
There are a few avenues that you can travel down. To explain them, we’re going to describe a possible digital marketing strategy you could use.
Note that you do not need to follow this template. There are loads of routes to travel down, this is but one method you could use.
We’re going to explore how you can use influencer marketing, your own network, social media, YouTube, and, of course, your pack to get as much exposure on your release as possible!
Week 1
Whether you have a brand or producer page on one or many social platforms, or even if it’s just your personal social media, get sharing your pack!
You could share the artwork of your pack on your main social marketing tool – we recommend Instagram as a starting point. Posting your first social post will have the best result somewhere between four to three weeks before the release date. This means you need to have prepared your samples, artwork, pack demo and a marketing strategy at least a month and a half before the release date.
Make sure any posts you do on socials are also posted in any groups or forums that your target market are hanging out in!
It’s important to let each post breathe. Leave at least 3 – 5 days between each post made by you.
Next, it may be a good idea to send your pack to your producer friends. Get them using your samples and talking about them! Encourage them to give them to their network too.
We know, eek! For FREE?!

Yes, for free.
Another trick you could tap into is contacting influencers! We’re going to cover this next part properly in our next article so you don’t get an information overload, but contacting YouTube influencers can be an amazing way to get your pack heard by new audiences! Before you perform this with all guns blazing, be sure to read our contacting influencers article so you can be confident in how you’re contacting them.
Now that you’ve done an initial post on Facebook, shared your pack with your own network and contacted a list of YouTubers in the first week of your marketing campaign…
Week 2
In your second week, think about posting your pack demo on your YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook and feature as many keywords and hashtags that are relevant to your pack without making your description sound unnatural. Ask everyone who’s accepted your pack to share the demo, and ask them to offer short but authentic feedback on their shared post too. An alternative to this step could be leaking snippets of the demo over a period of time!
3- 5 days later, resharing your initial artwork with the feedback from everyone who has used the pack in this same post, and having them tagged, may encourage them to share this post too.
Week 3
In week three, releasing a track or EP that you’ve made with your samples could drive engagement. This tip may not be realistic in every scenario, but planning to include this could boost awareness of your pack by a great deal! If you don’t have a track, release a track or a compilation album with producers in your network. This will put your pack in front of the audience of your network!
Week 4
By week four, you not only have a pack to promote – but potentially a collab EP! This will give your pack so much steam! When release day comes, the fruits of your labour over the last four weeks will come to harvest!
Selling anything is hard when you’re just starting out. What’s important is to get inside the heads of your target market, and know how to get the most out of search engines and social media.
Understanding how to create a strong marketing campaign and being aware of the digital tools available to you will help you centralise your online presence.
Don’t fear giving your content away for free. People love free stuff and will be so inclined to talk about the content they’ve received as well as who they received it from – word of mouth is what you should be aiming for throughout your campaign!
By following the steps in this guide, you’ll be selling samples here, there, and everywhere in no time!
Up next, we’re covering how to contact influencers!