The genres that we love all share a common trait. Well, they share many traits… but that’s beside the point. They share backbeat based rhythms… The backbeat of music is at the very center of…
Category: Tutorial
There are three pillars that keep the vast structure of music standing, and those are melody, harmony and rhythm. In this article, we’re going to talk about rhythm – but you already knew that. When…
We can find Arpeggiators on many synthesizers and MIDI controllers. But what do they do? Is it sorcery when we make new rhythms like magic at the press of the button? Or is it, in…
Transients are something that get taken for granted by many new music producers, but they shouldn’t. Transients make the difference between whether a sound is punchy or flat. What’s more, is that many newcomers don’t…
How often do you hear a song on the radio and recognise who it’s by? We’re sure you’d like your fans to be able to do the same thing with your music, right? Whether you’re…
A Music Producer’s Guide to Music Theory: An Introduction to Key Signatures and the Circle of Fifths
In music, key signatures describe what sharp and flat notes are in a piece of music. By using a key signature, we don’t need to notate a sharp or flat when each one pops up.…
Music theory is scary for many budding musicians. At the end of the day, music theory presents music for what it truly is, and that’s mathematics. Music compositions use symbols to represent different things that…
Sample-based music production is on the upward trend and has been for a while now. Sampling entails taking single or multiple snippets (samples) from a piece of music, or any sound source like a washing…
Building a hi-hat in Serum is one of the simplest processes there is. But that doesn’t undermine the power of the digital hi hat in modern music. So many genres, from Drum & Bass and…
We use an equaliszer (EQ) to filter to islote specific frequency bands in a sound or mix and either cut, boost or leave them untouched. There are a vast array of EQ’s available, but they’re…